
variable description
fighter Name of the Fighter
knockdowns Number of times the opponent hits the ground as a result of a hit or kick
significant_strikes_landed All strikes landed at a distance and power strikes in the clinch and on the ground
significant_strikes_attempted Same as previous but attempted
significant_strikes_rate Rate of landed vs attempted
total_strikes_landed Signficant strikes plus small, short strikes in the clinch and on the ground
total_strikes_attempted Same as previous but attempted
takedown_successful Number of times bringing the opponenet to the ground with attacker on top
takedown_attempted Same as previous but attempted
takedown_rate Rate of landed vs attempted
submission_attempt Attempt to tap out the opponent
reversals Fighter moves from an inferior to a superior position
head_landed Stike or kick landed on opponent’s head
head_attempted Same as previous but attempted
body_landed Stike or kick landed on opponent’s body
body_attempted Same as previous but attempted
leg_landed Leg kick landed
leg_attempted Same as previous but attempted
distance_landed Stike or kick landed from a distance
distance_attempted Same as previous but attempted
clinch_landed Stike or kick landed in a clinch
clinch_attempted Same as previous but attempted
ground_landed Stike landed on the ground
ground_attempted Same as previous but attempted
round Current round
result End result
last_round Last round of the fight
time Fighttime in the last round
scheduled_rounds Scheduled rounds of the fight
winner Winner (W) or Loser(L)
weight_class Weight class of the fight
event UFC event title
fight_date Date of the UFC event
location Location of UFC event
attendance Number at the gate
id Run-length id of the fights